Your app, where you can collect guided, timely good answers to life's questions.
All relevant documents in one place, always at hand. With useful features that really help you manage.
Access control that reaches everyone and grants access in case of emergency. You can easily decide who gets access to what, when and how.
You can enter specific information for medical emergencies: Emergency contacts, living will, medical information.
Have you thought of everything? We guide you through all areas of life and help you to have everything important covered.
Your identity, your disposition and everything you want to regulate for yourself and your family, friends in a safe place.
This offer is still under evaluation and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it.
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How to reach us
uniforx GmbH
Markus Hottenrott
Prof.-Messerschmitt-Str. 1
85579 Neubiberg near Munich
+49 89 4161 0929 1